UPDATE June 23, 2023: The Events Calendar folks got so much flak from their last version of their plugin that they finally released a new version – The Events Calendar I updated to this latest version on a staging site and it worked! Be sure to update all other Tribe plugin versions to their latest as well to ensure compatibility. As always, test these updates on a staging site first before updating on a live site.
Here are the latest working versions as of today:
• The Events Calendar Pro 6.1.0
Original Post June 15, 2023:
WARNING: Do not update to the newest version of The Events Calendar version 6.1.02. An incompatibility issue with Events Tickets Plus throws a critical error and makes the website unusable. The real kicker is that the plugins page seems to be particularly affected and safe mode is ineffective. The plugin will have to be manually deleted and a rollback version reinstalled on the server directly. The error seems to only affect the freemium version available on WordPress.org with the latest version of Events Tickets Plus.
The error thrown is some variation of this:
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-content\plugins\event-tickets-plus\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 503
Warning: Uninitialized string offset 0 in \wp-includes\sodium_compat\lib\namespaced.php on line 24
There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
The developers are aware of the issue and are working on a solution to fix the problem. In the meantime, the last known working version of The Events Calendar plugin is version 6.0.11 (tested by us but use with caution). You can download previous versions here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/advanced/. We suggest using a staging or testing site first to ensure compatibility.